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Success Story:

"God Used Us to Do Something Significant"

"Faith In Action helped our people 'get it'," said John Ayres, associate pastor at Warren Woods Baptist Church in Warren, Michigan.

"It had a total impact on our people, who were enthusiastic not just in doing the projects - but knowing they were used by God to do something significant," he said. "And then, once the work was done, to stand around and converse with our neighbors, sharing with them God's love - that was huge!"... Read More

Service Project Idea:

Construct wheelchair ramps for the elderly or wheelchair-bound

Build, or purchase and assemble, a wheelchair ramp for an elderly or wheelchair-
bound individual in your community.  Inquire within your community and church
congregation to identify an individual in need of this service.

Show the compassion of Christ by meeting the needs of the physically disadvantaged and providing them with the gift of mobility.  In constructing wheelchair ramps, your church will enable individuals with limited mobility to venture outside of their homes with ease.  This mobility allows them to remain in their homes instead of being moved to a nursing home or Medicare-funded facility...Read More

Organization Spotlight:

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together, a national nonprofit organization with close to 225 affiliates nationwide, seeks to assist low-income homeowners with necessary home repairs and modifications through volunteer and community efforts.  This organization aims to revitalize communities by rehabilitating the homes of veterans, the elderly, the disabled, and those displaced due to natural disasters.

"Our mission is to preserve affordable housing by bringing volunteers and communities together to rehabilitate the homes of low-income homeowners."

Visit, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on "Volunteers" to find a Rebuilding Together Affiliate near you.

Click here for more ministries to partner with...

Resource Spotlight:

Free Downloads

FREE resources are now available on the Faith in Action website. You will find:

  • FREE downloadable information to share with your Leadership Team.
  • FREE City Reaching resources.
  • FREE Training Resources.
  • FREE Sunday Resources.
  • FREE Resarch Documents to support your campaign
  • Plus Extra FREE items.

Check it out... web link

The National
Faith in Action date
Oct. 11, 2009!

Join the discussion with individuals and church leaders on how to encourage congregations and people to be more outwardly focused and missionally minded. Share stories, discuss ideas, and see what others have done with a Faith in Action Campaign. Visit us on Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and YouTube.

John Ortberg

"Faith in Action can bring vibrant change to your congregation and transformation in your community."
—John Ortberg

If you participated or plan to participate in a Faith in Action Campaign - Add your church to the National Roster.

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need."
—Romans 12:11-13a